Look at your front line.
Would you slide to a stop and pull in if you were Joe Public? I already know the answer because I
look. There are a lot of unemotional
cars that are long in the tooth because you did what the gurus tell you to do
and buy with a formula that excludes cars that look like something you would
want in your driveway after July 4th.
I say bah-freaking-humbug to that as the only cars
in this market that are bring real money and getting sold when they come off
the truck are cares with triple Ds .
Stop and think about it and tell me I’m not right. Good ones, fat ones, units that make you take
a double take, get sold right away…don’t they.
Now look at your front line. You
got any?
If you fall into the category of everyone else you are
gagging with grey,