Market Conditions Commentary
Looking good for the AM, do your homework, looks like fun
by Robert Hollenshead
Mar 25 2014 1:46PM

The lineup is looking good for tomorrow. On-line bidders are able to take advantage of my personal guarantee, if you have a surprise attack on something that is not what I represented it to be, I’ll make it right…or take it back.  This is nothing new for us, but it is new for many of you that have not experienced it.  We are here to help you find what you need, with no hassle,  waste no time and understand that MADE is a dealer exchange created by dealers, for dealers.  Go the website, or access it from, lane 8 and lane 7,  do your homework, come to the sale or get online.  Buy with no fear, I am here if you have need us after the sale.  The mitigation folks are instructed to be sure of one thing; all participating dealers will be happy with their experience.  If you are not for any reason, my cell number is 610 960 6346.  This is not a head-fake it is a guarantee, I am here to make the acquisition process as transparent as technology allows us to be. 

Our next sale I will be offering to pay any dealer’s airfare that come in to CFAA for the sale and buys a truck load.  I don’t care from where.  If you buy a load and want to be flown back to Manheim Pa for the Friday sale, it’s on me.  We are not half stepping, we are here to make it happen. 

Good luck in the AM and please do me a favor…have some fun. 

Stack ‘em up  and sell well


Robert Hollenshead

Founder and President

1373 Lancaster Road - Manheim, PA 17545


office: (717) 664-2700

cell: (610) 960-6346

fax: (888) 225-1850