This week was another week of fighting through the market change. A bunch of turn with very little earn. It is my experience that we need to sell through the change. The bold might hold, but they will won't get sold and when it's time to buy more their check books are looking mighty sore. I am ready to buy anything that comes at me...on the new money.
We sold 576 units this week with anemic profit. I sold 96% of the units that hit our recon shop. The auction sold 43% which I believe is an all time low. At least in the past 39 years I have been selling in Lancaster, Pa.
As usual, any unit that doesn't look like it can from a reject lease lot or a rental company with a pinstripe, gets action. Under ten G units are totally sellable. Merch over 30G has to be tits, or get ready to throw MMR in the trash, or get your no-sale fog horn ready (and look like a buffoon no-saleing 9of 10). The question is, are you looking for realistic money, today's money, or are you on crack? If you are ready to sell that type on unit, there is a buyer.
The idea that cars are scarce is so funny it's incredible. I have dealers from all over America calling to sell me cars. The problem is they have farts in their head. MMR is out of whack. It is four weeks ago money in a descending market. Using it to price expectations in this situation is setting yourself up for 40% returns...and you are left with stone cold losers that will wash any profit out of the ones you sold.
This market is not one that endears new comers. If you are thinking about leaving the showroom to go out and "just wholesale" go kiss your bosses butt, because you have taken a moment of over inflated ego BS talk at the bar to a level that will guarantee divorce. You need to wait until December when all tulip bulbs think about popping. Pop out then and your window of opportunity may match the streets reality...for about the same time frame as the lifespan of a tulip. This is not for the light hearted. Be nice to the dealer principle and sell baseball cards on the side on eBay for the extra cash.
I got to go because I need to do some reconnaissance on what got traded Saturday so I know where to be at 8AM Monday. There ain't no mercy in this marketplace.
Sell Well