Make no mistake, the annual model year change has happened.
I sold 639 units this week and there were few exceptions to the reality,
it is 2012 in the car business. Every car is a year older. If you
appraise, trade, buy and sell like that you will find smooth sailing. If
you go into this market in denial, you will get your rear end handed to you. It may be in the form of looking on Craig's List want ads for a new
job, or in the form of digging into the retirement account to make checks good,
depending on your job description, but either way it will happen. We are
in a no luck, no mercy market. If you count on getting a moon
shot for anything other then a one in a hundred unit, be prepared for a
The knuckle heads talking about cars being scarce are
getting their information from a communist consiracy to spin your brain
cock-eyed. Cars are every where and you better have a good one to get a
bid. Manheim sold 45% which includes us selling 10% of the total at
90%. Do the math. That leaves over 4,000 units unsold. Cars
are scarce? Wake up. Or go report on the new flavors at Dairy Queen
or something.
If you are trading at 100% of MMR and plan on getting your money
back on the trading floor, take another puff on your weed pipe because you
are hallucinating (or will soon realize you are doing so). The
generic off lease slop is sale proof at $1,500 under. A hit on CarFax is
a guaranteed $2,000-$5,000 crack on your head. It might not be
a three strike market, but it is definitively a two strike market.
Heavies with a couple miles need to be thousands less. Hybrids are
worthless again as gas went down 10 cents (we are a fickle group of people).
Big trucks are very active again including Tundreds that have been dead.
Late model Accords have soften to a gee under MMR. Miley E Classes
are thousands under MMR. RDXs are going overseas, big shots. Good
Cadys are in the wind. Enough for today. Sell Well, and come to
Manheim Friday. I will make it worth your time...I promise.